- 100% Strong Columbian Coffee Service– half & half, utensils, sugar & Splenda. Served in super-thermal urns (keeps coffee piping hot!). We send double – plenty to last all morning!
- Our Breakfast Tray– sweet & savory assortment of New York bagels, cherry danish, butter croissants, cinnamon-raisin swirls, Original Philly cream cheese, sweet butter, and jelly!
- Fresh Fruit Salad- Every day at 5am we chop up fresh cantaloupe, pineapple, honeydew, strawberries and watermelon.
- Bottled Spring Water, Sparkling Water, Sodas & Ice Buckets
Deli Lunch Buffet
- Café Concoction– combination of our Serious Sandwiches, Hoagies and our colorful, overstuffed wraps
- Roasted Veggie Pasta Salad– house roasted veggies, chick peas, parmigino reggiano, fresh basil, cherry tomato & oregano vinaigrette
- Simple & Excellent Green Salad– sparkling fresh with a variety of dressings
- Herr’s potato chips
- Crispy Dill Pickle Slices
- Assorted Cookies- Morning Glory Bakery
- Beverage Bar– an assortment of can sodas, teas, bottled spring water, and water
- Afternoon Beverage Break- delivered with lunch & set off to the side
- Event over 50 people? Complimentary soup of choice:
- Tomato Basil- with San Marzano tomatoes, fresh basil and a splash of extra virgin olive oil (vegetarian & gluten-free)
- Greek lemon chicken (aka Avgolemono) – creamy chicken bisque studded with orzo, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, and sea salt